We combine the latest science-backed evidence with ancient naturopathic wisdom, incorporating plant medicine, nutritional compounds, diet, and lifestyle, to assist the body's innate power of healing.

We recognise everyone is unique and has their own individual health journey, we aim to nurture, empower, and educate you, to live the happiest, and healthiest version of yourself.


  • Your initial consultation is a comprehensive exploration of your whole health. We conduct a comprehensive analysis of your current and past health concerns, any recent pathology, and family medical history.

    Furthermore, we assess vital signs, current dietary, and lifestyle habits, as well as social and environmental factors. This in-depth evaluation provides a holistic perspective to uncover the root cause of your presenting concern. We will then engage in a discussion about your personal health goals, exploring the optimal approaches to achieve them.

    Your personalised treatment plan is individually crafted incorporating herbal medicine, nutritional compounds, and tailored adjustments to your diet and lifestyle, all aimed to support your body's innate healing abilities. Following the consultation, your comprehensive treatment plan, along with any required pathology testing, and referral letters to allied health practitioners, will be promptly emailed to you.

  • Follow-up consultations are crucial for evaluating and ensuring you are well-supported in working towards your personal health objectives. We may also examine any test results and collaborate on refining strategies to optimise your holistic plan.

    The timing of the follow-up consultations is flexible, recognising the uniqueness of each case

    Consultation includes:

    · Reviewing the progress of treatment and personal goals

    · Analysing pathology/functional testing

    · Adjusting prescriptions and treatment plans.

  • Acute consultations are to support immediate health concerns, offering short-term support for conditions such as respiratory infections, urinary tract infections, acute stress support, and pain management.

  • Are you not getting the answers or explanations you require about your pathology? We provide a comprehensive analysis from a Naturopathic perspective.

    We aim to provide you with a thorough understanding of your health markers, uncovering insights beyond conventional interpretations.

    Our holistic approach considers the interconnectedness of body systems and the underlying factors contributing to your health profile. We examine each parameter, identify potential imbalances, deficiencies, or abnormalities, and offer personalised recommendations tailored to your unique profile.

    Email your results to hello@pranay.au for a detailed explanation. To get the answers you need.